Loving Jesus and making him known
We are a friendly and informal church. We love Jesus and want to introduce others to him.
We meet every Sunday in Sawston Village College at 10am for a service which lasts approximately 90 minutes and extends into an informal social time together afterwards.
Discover Jesus for yourself. New courses running termly
Latest Sermon
The Holy Spirit transforms us to be like Jesus
Passage 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, Galatians 5:16-26
Speaker Ed Mezzetti
Series The Holy Spirit: God’s Power Presence and Purpose
Latest Sermon
The Holy Spirit transforms us to be like Jesus
Passage 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, Galatians 5:16-26
Speaker Ed Mezzetti
Series The Holy Spirit: God’s Power Presence and Purpose
Coming Up Next week
January 26th: ‘The Holy Spirit: God’s Power, Presence, and Purpose’ – part 4.
Songs, story and playtime for 0–4s
Fridays 10–11.30am in school term time
Spicers Pavillion, Cambridge Road, Sawston CB22 3DG
We meet at Sawston Village College, Henry Morris Hall, on Sundays at 10.00 am for about 1 hour and 30 mins.
We are part of Anglican Mission in England (AMiE), a fellowship of faithful Anglican churches committed to gospel mission. AMiE is passionate about planting, strengthening and partnering for the salvation of many and the glory of God.